Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17,2007

(Posted by Shari)

Dale has been doing so well over the last 8 months after his bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately on Tuesday the Inouye's received bad news. Dale's leukemia reoccurred. Dale had another bone marrow biopsy on Tuesday which confirmed that the leukemia has repopulated his bone marrow. Today Dale went back to the clinic where he received a unit of blood and treatment options were discussed. He will be admitted tomorrow for port-o-cath placement and initiation of chemo. He will probably be hospitalized for about 4 days. Needless to say Dale was disappointed in hearing that he will need further treatment. Dale is a stoic little fighter and it is encouraging to see him still able to smile.
The hope with this next chemo treatment is to get back into remission. The Inouye's appreciate your prayers for strength and healing.


millie said...

Hi Dale,
Thank you for sharing your pictures with us! Love your wavy hair! There are some women who pay lots of money to get those curls in their hair!

We want you to know that we're thinking about you and praying for you to get better... Tobie is sending his love too!

We hope to see you soon on Kauai; the waves are waiting for you!

Let us know if you need anything, I'll personally bring it up for you!

All our love,
Auntie Millie, Uncle Eric, Nicole and of course....Tobie

Anonymous said...

Hey Dale! Hang in there!!

-Cousin Brooke :)

Renee said...

Hi Dale,

I learned about you from another blog, and I just want to let you and your family know that I will pray for you! Your pictures are great-keep trying to wear that smile! You are very brave!

-Renee in Louisiana

Joe.Karen said...

Yupyup. Dale is really handsome for sure! I just wanted to let you know that although I may not have commented, your family has been in my prayers and will continue to be in my prayers.
