Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fishing at Irvine Lake


millie said...

Hi Dale,
Are we having fish for dinner next week? Don't expect me to clean those fish, I've done enough fish cleaning for five lifetimes! Those were some BIG fish! You can count this as a class excursion!

Glad to see you're getting out and doing FUN things! I use to like driving the boat and collecting the crab nets.

Did you remind mom to start clearing out your freezer? I've got three pies and eight boxes of Zippy's chili, chowder and soup! We need some room... Of course, we can bake the pies right away and enjoy them!

Even though you can't eat the cupcakes at Sprinkles, can we take a drive out there? I imagine a cute and colorful bakery.

OK, enough about food. It's lunchtime here in I think I'll get something to eat.

Till next week...take care, lots of love to you, mom, dad, danny and derek...eski too!

auntie millie